
Some Thoughts on Artificial General Intelligence

How do we live our lives knowing that it’s just a matter of time until AI is better than everyone at everything?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It’s basically just the field that tries to figure out how to make computers that can solve problems and communicate like a human does.
There’s basically just three mnemonics you need to know: ANI, AGI, and ASI.

ANI - Artificial Narrow Intelligence [Already Abundant]

AGI - Artificial General Intelligence [Getting close]

ASI - Artificial Super Intelligence [Within your lifetime]

What can AI do now? (ANI)

At the time of writing this (May 1st 2023), there’s a lot that AI can do
text → text (chatGPT, GPT-4, etc)
text → images (Dall-E 2, Midjourney, etc)
text → video (NVIDIA, Google, etc)
text → audio (musicLM, Uberduck, etc)
text → code (chatGPT, Github Copilot, etc)
act as an agent (chaosGPT, AutoGPT, etc)
self reflect and self improve (reflection)
One thing that was showcased in a TED talk by OpenAI was the integrating multiple types of tools together with AI, including Wolfram Alpha. Overall there’s been a lot of improvements recently.

When will AGI happen?

There’s some debate on this, but according to an analysis done by Tim Urban from waitbutwhy, here’s the main takeaway
Median expert AGI arrival date prediction: 2040 ( less than 20 years away )
Median expert ASI arrival date prediction: 2060 ( less than 40 years away )

What will happen with AGI and ASI?

Quotes from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman

Quotes from Google CEO Sundar Pichai

My predictions for what will happen with Society with AGI? (~2040)

School in 2040
Work in 2040
Social Life in 2040
Misc in 2040

My predictions for what will happen with Society with ASI? (~2060)

Will AGI or ASI be thankful to us for making it?
School in 2060
Work in 2060
Social Life in 2060
Misc in 2060

Based on this new information, how should I live?

School in the 2020’s
Work in the 2020 / 2030 ‘s
Social Life in the 2020 / 2030’s
Also for fun, here’s a bunch of predictions for the 2020 / 2030’s

The takeaway

I should place more emphasis on:
keeping up with AI tools relating to ones career (,, etc)
machining and human factors engineering for a stable job
developing social, emotional, and interpersonal skills while in school
Society should probably place more emphasis on:
Thinking about how to align AI with human interests (the alignment problem)
Having everyday people think about AI and what it would mean for them
Implementing the use of AI tools in the curriculum and workplace


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