
Timeline until the End of the Earth and Universe

Have you ever wondered how life began on earth or how the universe will end? Me too haha. . If you want more information about anything, then you can just go to the “Sources” dropdown menu and take a look and get more info ^-^.
This post covers two topics:
1 - The universe and earth up to now
2 - The universe and earth in the future




Supplementary Video
Explanation of what Ky, My, By, Ty mean
The Universe up to now
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Supplementary Video
Supplementary Video
Explanation of what Ky, My, By, Ty mean

_____________HADEAN EON [4.6Bya → 4Bya]_____________

4.6Bya - Earth forms from accretion disk revolving around the sun
4.5Bya - Earth likely hit by Theia planet ⇒ Moon

_____________ARCHEAN EON [4Bya → 2.5Bya]_____________

4Bya - Abiogenesis occurs, evolution begins
3.9Bya - prokaryotes appear
3.5Bya - LUCA appears, splits into bacteria and archea
3.5Bya - bacteria develop photosynthesis ⇒ oxygen as waste product
3Bya - cyanobacteria ⇒ Great Oxygenation Event

_____________PROTEROZOIC EON [ 2.5Bya → 539Mya ]_____________

2.5Bya - GOE + Plate tectonics start
by 1.85Bya - Eukaryotic cells develop
by 1.2Bya - Sexual reproduction emerges
by 1Bya - First plants go on land
by 750Mya - First protozoa, some of which will evolve and begin animal evolution
720-630 Mya - Ice age. The earth is a snowball
600 Mya - Accumulation of oxygen ⇒ creates life protective ozone layer
580-542Mya - Ediacara biota the first large, complex aquatic multicellular organisms (mostly plants)
580-500 Mya - Cambrian explosion ⇒ most modern animal phyla appear

_____________PHANEROZOIC EON [ 539MA → Present ]_____________

Picture of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Eras:

Paleozoic Era [538.8Mya → 251.9Mya]

535Mya - Major diversification of living things in the oceans
511Mya - Earliest crustaceans
485Mya - First vertebrates with true bones (jawless fishes)
251.9Mya - Permian-Triassic extinction kills 90-95% of marine species.

Mesozoic Era [251.9Mya → 66Mya]

225Mya - earliest dinosaurs evolve(prosauropods). First mammals evolve (Adelobasileus)
66Mya - Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction kills 50% of land species, including all dinosaurs

Cenozoic Era [66Mya → Present]

6.5Mya - First hominins (Sahelanthropus) Evolve
250Kya - Anatomically modern humans appear in Africa.
35-25Kya - Extinction of Neanderthals. Domestication of dogs


Supplementary Videos:
Explanation of what Ky, My, By, Ty mean:

_____________KY IN THE FUTURE_____________

17ky - civilization threatening supervolcanic eruption will have occurred by now
50-100ky - likely another Ice age
500ky - Earth will likely have been hit by a 1km asteroid by now
100my - earthy will have been hit by an asteroid the same size as the one that killed the dinosaurs
100ky - 1my - estimated time until humans could colonize our milky way galaxy and be at least capable to harness all the energy of the galaxy, assuming wi can move between planets at .1 * C.

_____________MY IN THE FUTURE_____________

100my - maximum estimated lifespan of a technological civilization, according to Drake’s original formulation of the Drake equation.
100my - Future archeologist should be able to identify and Urban Stratum of great costal cities
180my - a rotation on earth is 1 hour longer
250-350my - earth is a supercontinent
500my - by this time a gamma ray burst would likely have happened to trigger a mass extinction
500-600my - 99% of all plants on earth die b/c can’t do photo synthesis
800-900my - all plants on earth die ⇒ all multicellular life dies ⇒ the only life left on earth will be single-celled organisms.

_____________BY IN THE FUTURE_____________

1.1by - suns brightness increases ⇒ oceans to evaporate. some water may be present at the poles of the earth acting as abodes for single-celled life.
1.3by - all Eukaryotic life dies out. Only Prokaryotes remain.
1.6by - low estimate of when all life dies out
2.8by - high estimate of when all life dies
4by- Surface of the earth is molten
5by - Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way are fully combined, forming Milkomeda
7.6by - Sun swallows earth and moon. Titan may reach surface temperatures needed to support life
22.3by - Estimated time until the end of the universe via a big rip if w = -1.5. Planets fly off into the universe, then all things evaporate into atoms, then the atoms are ripped, then the fabric of spacetime itself is destroyed. Experiments ⇒ W = -.991. So big rip probably won’t happen.

_____________TY+ IN THE FUTURE_____________

Note - these predictions are reflective the Heat Death of the Universe Model ( the most likely end of the universe)
1ty - low estimate until star formation ends
100ty - high estimate until star formation ends, This marks the transition from the Stelliferous Era to the Degenerate Era. The universe is dark now.
10^15 y - Planets fall from orbit or are flung from orbit by a close encounter with another star
100^15 y to 10^(10^120) y - black holes dominate the universe, then they will evaporate over time as they emit Hawking radiation
10^(10^120) y - highest estimate for the universe to reach it’s final energy state
10^(10^(10^56)) y - quantum tunneling could generate new inflationary events, resulting in new Big bangs giving birth to new universes