An archive of the 100 hour post-finals week project.
Inviting you to Project Torch
A 100 hour zoom call
Work on that big passion project you've been putting off ^-^
To provide a community of great people working on goals they're passionate about
Dec. 17 @ 10, for the next 100 hours
Why join?
Surround yourself with friendly, high-achieving, creative people
Work on that project you’ve been meaning to start (or finish!)
Stay accountable in a community that’s all about momentum and support
How it works:
Bring your project, join the Zoom, stay in the zone, pass the torch.
What are your thoughts?
Main Contributors
David Colindres (ISE, Nascent Double Masters, 4x Minor)
Interests: Growth, Journaling, Fashion/Art, Minimalism, Travel, Entrepreneurship
Isaac Atkins (BME (Pre-Med), National Merit)
Interests: Art, Biological System Modification, Growing Cacti, Language, Communication
Henry Ingels (BME, Math Genius, Nascent PhD)
Interests: physics, tissue engineering, neuroscience, dynamical systems/differential equations, computer simulations (e.g. molecular dynamics), quantum chemistry, materials science
Hojae Kirkpatrick (Pentupule Major)
Interests: Virtue Ethics, Engineering, Ancient Philosophy, Existentialism, Material Science, Writing, Research
Highlight: Sam joins and works on some her characters for her next webcomic. It was a very artistic night; both Isaac and Sam were working on art together. The energy artists bring is amazing.
Highlight: Hojae takes us to a material science lab. This is part one of his five concurrent Engineering research projects. Here he is fixing a 3d printer. He prints off the drone parts while thinking about the results of his Rheology tests.
Highlight: In the process of indexing every item he owns, David finds a Sponegebob remote control car.
Highlight: Henry shows some of his research during a show and tell session.
Highlight: Hojae comes over for 3am ramen after a long day of working. We talk about the Pre-Socratic philosophers, the implications of AI on Engineering, and the likely post-AGI resurgence of the Humanities. He thinks my jokes are hilarious. David and Henry are still working.
Finished 25 page interview master document, Accenture acceptance, indexed every item owned, updated life spreadsheet, finances spreadsheet, completed 10th journal.
Made a painting, wrote for his website, read a book, read Philosophy papers, narrowed down med schools, and started survey of our local healthcare system.
Archived semester course materials, worked on his BME research paper, and fit a bivariate sigmoid curve to lab data using Bayesian methods.
Replaced plastic drone parts with biocomposites, made cover letter for internships, created, worked on Engineering and Philosophy papers, and prepared for yet another 50 credit hour semester.
Uploaded study guides & time ledgers, organized ~300 hours of Philosophy lectures, helped Hojae make website, made T shirt business trade study, organized, read, and wrote more on the current 150 page book draft.
Experiment Results
The 100 hour continuous work zoom call went surprisingly well. We did 313 hours of work over 4 days. In doing this, we were able to achieve more as a group than as isolated individuals. In comparison to working in isolation on school, we found that working on a team on our passions increased our work ethic, time spent, and motivation.
The inspiration behind this experiment came from this lecture on Leisure. David and I invited 15 people we thought would be interested in this experiment (10 via text, 5 via Instagram). 70% of the people over text showed up. No one from Instagram showed up.
A special thank you to Sam and Emily for contributing to keep the torch going. Based off of the success of this experiment, we are excited to host new experiments. Look forward to it!