I like thinking, writing, working, and dancing. I’m extremely organized and will prioritize things that are important to me.
I’m always working to better understand how the world works that way I can live a better life and make other people’s lives better. If you’re into personality tests—I mostly get ENFJ-A on the Myers-Briggs and 3w2 on the Enneagram. For OCEAN I get high on Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, medium-high on Agreeableness, and low on Neuroticism.
I’m drawn to people who think for themselves and come up with their own ideas, plan, and then execute on those ideas. I’m always looking for empathetic, motivated people with who also want to collaborate on projects.
So that we’re on the same page in the long term, check out my
Have a great day!
In reading the great minds, I now realize that before Philosophy, I was not free. It has made me realize that I was just a cultural automaton, mainly conforming to the values of our corporate masters. This is no surprise: the US was essentially founded as a business venture.
Most people act out the values of the society they were born into. The best conformers we call high achievers. I was one of those people. In some sense I still am. But Philosophy woke me up. Now I am trying to liberate my mind.
Philosophy helped me realize that the people who have defined success for you have the most to gain from you conforming to their definition. But their definition is old. It is not suited for a post-AI, post-scarcity, super-abundance world. A new time needs new values.
I am creating my own values. These values will be appropriate for after the AI revolution. Rather than have the socially celebrated illusion of freedom, I am defining my own success. I am trying to turn this insight into action.
I am trying to be free.